Perfect Performance Strength & Speed Academy is focused on developing the speed, agility, quickness, footwork and explosive power of our athletes. Our performance academy has helped athletes of all sports take their game to the highest level!
After training in our programs your athlete will be stronger and faster than his/her competition. Our comprehensive programs, clinics, and camps will focus on the specific training listed below:
- Flexibility, Stability, and Mobility
- Core Strength & Stability
- Explosive Power
- Absolute Strength
- Acceleration/Deceleration Running Mechanics
- Agility/Quickness/Footwork Mechanics
Luke Saia is an experienced Quarterback Coach and Certified Biomechanic Specialist. As a biomechanics specialist, Luke's expertise lies in the intricate analysis and optimization of human movement to enhance performance while mitigating injury risks. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, Luke champions the ethos of maximizing potential through meticulous attention to detail. Luke is extremely passionate about developing athletes of all ages for the next level.